Discovery Village immerses children in the best daycare has to offer.
From the very youngest ages, children at Discovery Village are given opportunities to connect with teachers and peers, explore, create, and discovery. Nurturing strong bonds is at the core of all we do. We create an environment in which children are safe to explore their own emotions, build confidence, and develop social-emotional skills. Sensory activities invite our babies to explore a wide range of materials and textures. Our youngest babies spend lots of time on the floor, moving and developing their motor skills. Older mobile infants move even more, engaging in games that develop their motor skills, while supporting teamwork and a spirited sense of fun. Children are immersed in language, in both English and Spanish, developing language and communications skills.
In the infant rooms for our youngest babies, the environment is entirely responsive to the children. They sleep when tired, eat when hungry, and participate in play and projects the rest of the day. In our wobblers and walker rooms, our older infants follow a schedule similar to that in our toddlers program. They have breakfast, lunch, and snacks together at the table, and nap at the same time as one another. they enjoy a spirited circle time with song and movement. They join together for play and projects both indoors and outdoors.
The first five years of life are vital to setting a foundation for lifelong well-being and success. At Discovery Village, children experience embracing care while having loads of fun. Art, science, language, sensory exploration, physical activity, pre-math explorations into patterns and numbers, and social-emotional learning are seamlessly infused into projects and play.
Infantees are Discovery Village’s unique and ever expanding collection of activities for our babies. Our youngest villagers use non-toxic paints, clay, fabrics, recyclables, natural materials from the outdoors and so much more, expressing their creativity. They participate in science activities, observing how the world works. Through physical activity they develop their motor skills and build habits of healthy living. Friendships set the stage for confident connection and social skills.
The best daycare experiences offer so much more than peace of mind for parents while they work. They provide quality learning with long term benefits to children.
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